
Learning Python

I have been trying to nail down the fundamentals of Python programming. I want to automate some of my day-to-day, but I also had this idea while on vacation to create a simpler version of a travel app that I use.

Having a goal, a lofty goal, is helping me stay focused on getting through tutorials and start to piece together the larger structure/architecture of how apps are built and work. When I start working on this project, I’ll share more.

Side note: I’m about 85% of the way through a SQL certificate with Data Camp.

Getting v0.1 of this website off the ground

I have slowly been leaving social media over the last couple of years. Currently, I only have LinkedIn installed on my phone, primarily because I use it for work. Then I discovered Derek Sivers tech independance post about leaving the cloud and creating your own. This led me down a rabbit hole of self-hosted applications and services. I’m not self-hosting much at the moment, but I have massively scaled back my reliance on Google, removing all of my documents and files that were stored there. The only thing that remains are sheets, because I’m yet to find a self-hosted / free spreadsheet software that I actually like.

Anyway, long winded way to say that this website was kicked off because of setting up my own server. Initially, I intended to just host html pages and upload them as I created them. However, I discovered Hugo and started to experiment with this. It has the benefits of a CMS while generating static HTML files to be uploaded to the server. It should hopefully make this site super snappy. Additionally, I am not tracking you. I’m not saying that I won’t add the capability at some point, but I like the idea of not knowing how many people are reading these things.

Data Management

Still trying to acquire knowledge around Data Management, Governance, Implementation, anything and everything to do with data lineage. I’m curious around what people are collecting, why they are collecting it, how they’re protecting it, and what they are using it for. I’m also keen to figure out how enterprise style data management can be scaled down to the small to medium sized business.

How can a small business benefit from data in a way that a large organisation with unlimited resources can?